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Home-Products > Automatic tip-(Beckman)Beckman250ul
Zhejiang Yikang Medical Technology Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Yikang Medical Technology Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Yikang Medical Technology Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Yikang Medical Technology Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Yikang Medical Technology Co., Ltd.


format:96 pcs/box

Capacity range:20μL-250μL


product category:With/without filter, off/not sterilized, transparent/conductive/low adsorption

Perfect adaptation to automated liquid workstations to ensure

Liquid workstations operate accurately;

Product numberMaximum capacityproduct type Packing
Beckman 250ulConductive Tip
BT250A-0-B250μL Conductive. Bagged1000 pcs/bag, 20 bags/carton
BT250A-0-BL 250μL Conductive, low adsorption, bagged1000 pcs/bag, 20 bags/carton
BT250A-0-BF 250μL Conductive. Filter element. Bag1000 pcs/bag, 20 bags/carton
BT250A-0-BFL 250μL Conductive, filter element, low adsorption, bagged1000 pcs/bag, 20 bags/carton
BT250A-1-B 250μL Conductive. Boxed96 pcs/box, 10 boxes/medium box, 5 medium boxes/carton 
BT250A-1-BS 250μL Conductive. Sterilization. Boxed96 pcs/box, 10 boxes/medium box, 5 medium boxes/carton
BT250A-1-BFS 250μLConductive. Filter element. Sterilization. Boxed96 pcs/box, 10 boxes/medium box, 5 medium boxes/carton
BT250A-1-BL  250μL Conductive. Low adsorption. Boxed96 pcs/box, 10 boxes/medium box, 5 medium boxes/carton 
BT250A-1-BLS 250μL Conductive. Low adsorption. Sterilization. Boxed 96 pcs/box, 10 boxes/medium box, 5 medium boxes/carton
BT250A-1-BLFS250μLConductive. Filter element. Low adsorption. Sterilization. Boxed96 pcs/box, 10 boxes/medium box, 5 medium boxes/carton 
Beckman 250ulTransparent Tip
BT250A-0-T250μL Transparent. Bagged1000 pcs/bag, 20 bags/carton
BT250A-0-TL 250μL Transparent, low absorption, bagged1000 pcs/bag, 20 bags/carton 
BT250A-0-TF 250μL Transparent. Filter element. Bag 1000 pcs/bag, 20 bags/carton 
BT250A-0-TFL 250μL Transparent. Filter element. Low adsorption. Bag1000 pcs/bag, 20 bags/carton 
BT250A-1-T 250μL Transparent. Boxed96 pcs/box, 10 boxes/medium box, 5 medium boxes/carton 
BT250A-1-TS 250μL Transparent. Sterilized. Boxed96 pcs/box, 10 boxes/medium box, 5 medium boxes/carton 
BT250A-1-TFS 250μLTransparent. Filter element. Sterilization. Boxed96 pcs/box, 10 boxes/medium box, 5 medium boxes/carton 
BT250A-1-TL  250μL Transparent. Low adsorption. Boxed96 pcs/box, 10 boxes/medium box, 5 medium boxes/carton 
BT250A-1-TLS 250μL Transparent. Low adsorption. Sterilization. Boxed 96 pcs/box, 10 boxes/medium box, 5 medium boxes/carton 
BT250A-1-TLFS250μLTransparent. Filter element. Low adsorption. Sterilization. Boxed 96 pcs/box, 10 boxes/medium box, 5 medium boxes/carton 


Perfect adaptation to automated liquid workstations to ensure

Liquid workstations operate accurately;

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